Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just a little about me

Hello all!
 In this first blog I am just going to give a brief description of me,and how Tildas treasures came about.
My name is Sheila Mataraza (Heflin) I just married the most wonderful man in the world on may 27 2011! I am a crazy crafter! I LOVE all kinds of crafts (especially the messy kind!). I often joke about the fact that i am "a jack of all trades but master of none" There is not a project that i will not at least ATTEMPT to do. I may do something once and put it aside for a while because "i cant do it" but 9 times out of 10 it gets pushed aside for MAYBE a week! I am the kind of person that once I get an idea I refuse to quit until I achieve that goal. My main focus right now is cakes. I LOVE doing cakes. Cakes are probably my FAVORITE of all the things i have tried doing before, cakes are such an amazing work of art there is endless possibilities....so many different products you can work with to make such awesome work!
Tilda's Treasures started WAY before i really knew it had started....how you ask? MY MOTHER...we were always doing some sort of craft, weather it be Hershey kiss roses,roses made out of plastic spoons,mud pies baked in the summer sun(possibly one of my favorites),or as i got older going to craft camp with her and learning to paint,quilling,and many more awesome activities.as i got older we both took up beading(another of my favorites)i remember one year for my birthday we went to a bead store and made rings. This was my first memory of beading, and it took off from there. Because of her MAKING me do these i probably would have never touched many of these strange projects she made me do, and would have NEVER ventured out and tried some of the things I have tried without her assistance.
My granny was also a big instigator of many of my "treasures" from the time i was wee little she had me working in the kitchen making home made noodles, (which most of the time resulted in flour all over the kitchen, and we would be sweeping it up for days!) She also taught me that in the kitchen there is no recipe. you cook to taste. This was probably a bad mistake because now when cooking i ALWAYS tweak a recipe to make it my own, and 90 % of the time i cant tell you how i made something. By teaching me this from a VERY young age i have always experimented with different flavors,seasonings, and anything else i can think of. She taught me that in the kitchen there is no right or wrong.
My crazy aunt Sandy played a part in this whole venture too,maybe not as much in the physically working with me and practically FORCING ME to do these oh so awful projects (which I think them for now) but she gave me the never give up attitude. There is nothing she ever "said" but she said it all the time.She has been that one that don't have to say a word, but she says it all.......
a few months ago, as I was planning the last few months of my wedding, and things were INSANE busy i was making my jewelry that me and mom had designed together out of crystal beads, and out of nowhere I decided i wanted to start a home based business, and try to sell some of my crafts. I told my fincee that i wanted to do this(i think he thought i was nuts),but he said ok lets do it. so I began to buy beads little by little to start my beading business. pretty soon that was over and OH SHOOT I have not ordered a cake yet.....guess i will have to make my own cake....hope i can do this. I had done some cake before but never a 3 tier wedding cake and defiantly not MY WEDDING cake. but i did it! while contemplating the idea of what i was going to do with the cake,thinking about my new beading business, and all the other wedding projects i had to do still for the wedding that was just a few months away I got this idea to start a business that showed ALL of my talents, not just limited me to beading, or cakes, or flowers....i could pursue that "jack of all triads master of none" name that people know me for. One night I had been thinking for HOURS about a name to name this new business and i could not think of anything....I knew i wanted a name that was not limited, but not "cheap" either. So I thought back to some of the things from my past that played a part in my childhood..places i liked to go,people that were important,things that were important.....finally Tilda came to my head. Tilda is the nickname my aunt Sandy gave me when i was little bitty. YEP!!! that's it! i HAVE to use Tilda in my name. so i thought and thought and finally came up with Tilda's treasures! 

ok so that was not brief :)

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